Are you an experienced R/C pilot or would you like to learn how to get started?
If so, it is recommended that you start out by visiting our field or attend one of our meetings. That way you get to know some of the other members. Experienced pilots are welcome to fly as a guest. To fly as a guest, you must have a current AMA membership and be signed in by a regular Aeros member.
Many of our members enjoy flying Giant Scale aircraft. You don't need to have a giant scale plane to be a member of the Aeros. Our members fly all sizes and types of aircraft from micros to giants and gliders to helicopters. New members are required to to be sponsored by a current Aeros member, so come out and get to know the other members.
Are you new to the hobby and would like to learn how to fly R/C? We do currently have an Introductory Pilot Program. Under this program, you can get a chance to try flying with one of our Instructor Pilots. Once enrolled in this FREE program, you will be covered by the AMA for a period of 60 days while you work with an instructor. You will learn on one of our club trainer planes, so you don't even have to have a plane to get started.
Young people 18 years old and under can also enroll as an AMA Youth Member Free. Our members do have a great deal of experience in the hoppy and can help get you pointed in the right direction.
For more information, check out the links below
If you are curious to see what our hobby is all about, you are welcome to come out to our field for a visit or attend one of our monthly meetings. If the weather is nice, someone is usually flying. Please remember that we share our field with full scale aircraft. Please geet your vehicle away from runways and taxiways. Park behind the hanger line.
Below is a map to our field. It is located at 247 Airport Rd. Binghamton NY 13901
Field rules for our field can be viewed by using the link below.
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