Our flying field is located on the Chenango Bridge Airport, 247 Airport Rd, Chenango Bridge, NY 13901. See the map at the bottom of this page.
Lat. 42.1917425n, Long. -75.8413050W Elev.940Ft.
The Binghamton Aeros is privileged to have one of the best R/C aircraft flying fields in the Northeast. Our field is shared with a small group of full scale private pilots. We share a common 2000 ft X 145 ft grass runway. The runway is rolled smooth each Spring and we keep the center 1000 ft closely mowed for our use. Our flying area is wide open with scenic vistas in all directions. The weather is generally pleasant and flying opportunites abound. Eagles and hawks are often seen catching thermals over the farm land to the North of the runway.
All applicable AMA safety standards are adhered to at our site. Due to the fact that we share the field with full scale aircraft, we do have additional safety practices to observe. Full scale air traffic is light and we have a good working relationship with our aviation brethren.
Visitors are always welcome to come out and watch the flying activity. While there, feel free to talk with us and ask questions about the hobby.
Guests are welcome to flyat our field. All guests must have a current AMA membership and be signed in by an active Aeros member.

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